NEW ALBUM Today marks the release of the brand-new album Dogma! Dogma can be found in many places like Spotify, iTunes, emusic… There are even limited hard copies available by writing to Here are some links to the music: Spotify: Diipak – Dogma iTunes: emusic: LINER NOTES/LYRICS The CD is a simple (yet beautiful) sleeve, …

Release party in one month at Etablissemanget Mosebacke!!
So, in exactly one month, Diipak & company will take – no, rock – the stage at the prestigious Etablissemanget Mosebacke on Stockholm’s answer to the Big Apple’s Brooklyn: Södermalm. DJ Sandra “Choco Chanel” Bergman will kick things off with some tunes at 9 pm, then Maria Carlman AND reggae band Awaj Collective will both …

Rosenhill video and new release upcoming!
After much a healthy amount of problem-solving, the video by Felix Hill is finally up and ready to view on youtube! Here it is: Other exciting news are the upcoming release of Dogma, a full-length album of “standard Diipak” tunes you are likely to hear at a live show. : ) The release will be …

My first post on the new website plus radio premiere!
Hey! Hej! Namaskar! All the rest! This is my first post on the new website, and I’m pretty darn excited!!! First, I want to thank Jonas Fogelström for all his hard work on the original Diipak website and for all his other amazing work (like “Qualified”). Jonas – who works with Mando Diao, amongst others …