Exciting news! Together with Victor Ahlin of VF Production, a new Diipak video is in the making. Production begins next month in Milano…stay tuned!!

Diipak live on Swedish radio!
On September 21, Diipak & co. will play LIVE on Morgon i P4 Stockholm, the morning show of one of the major public stations in Sweden with ca 400,000 listeners! With Diipak will be: Alexander Baginski Ekroth, keyboard Hanna Francis, voice James Bradley Jr, drums Niklas Alexandersson, guitar Urban Danielsson, bass Tune into 103,3 FM …

The Rosenhill saga continues!
Rosenhill is a very special place located on the outskirts of Stockholm, Sweden, on an island called Ekerö. Rosenhills Trädgård is an organic farm and a cider mill where you can either bring your own apples or pick them there. They produce honey; there’s a café which serves farm-fresh food cooked on location; a bar …

The Longest Day of the Year out today!
Video by Joakim Ceder. Listen to song on Spotify, iTunes and more by clicking on one of the icons to the right!

Konsert på Waterfront drog in över 60,000 kr till UNHCR:s… – Diipak Music Productions
The concert at Waterfront was a success – over 7,000 dollars were raised to aid the UNHCR’s work for refugees in Sweden! It was a high-quality and varied concert with everything from Classical to a cappella covers by Gothenburg group Solala to bearded Indie rock by Billy Momo to yours truly. ; ) Big shout-out …