So here comes a song I wrote a while back, a so-called topical song based on two different headlines I read having to do with the long-term effects of war. I forget who said it, but once I heard that war is really about killing children and raping women – breaking the will of a …

Livestream! Songs of Peace
Now, more than ever, the world needs peace. Let this live-stream be a small contribution to this end!

Letting in The Light
I released this song 2 years ago, just before the pandemic broke out in the West…the days are already getting longer here in the Northern Hemisphere (and shorter Down Under), but there’s always room for some more light. Let the sunshine in!

Blowin’ in the Wind
There are certain words and phrases that are simply inextricable. Like maple syrup and New England. Lois and Clark. Bob Dylan and Blowin’ in the Wind. If there’s one song you had to choose to associate with the quintessential singer/songwriter, the “greatest songwriter of the 20th (and 21st?) century,” the bard of our time, it …